Posted Nov 9, 2022

17 min read

Graphic design, Social media, Facebook

Create beautiful marketing graphics at scale.

Social Media

50 Inspirational Facebook Cover Photos to Inspire you

50 Inspirational Facebook Cover Photos to Inspire you

50 Creative Facebook Covers

As a leading social media platform, Facebook helps you create a broader brand outreach and take brand promotion to the next level. So, if you’ve got a Facebook page for your brand. Great. But if you have an attractive one with an engaging cover, even better! Creating a Facebook cover page isn’t rocket science. It requires you to blend creativity with logic and choosing from a range of Facebook ready cover pages.

Take a look at some of the Cool Facebook Cover Photos ideas that help you create a much-required first impression about your profile, brand, or business.

1.   Show a Digital Mock-up on your Cool Facebook Cover Photos

Show a Digital Mock-up

If you’ve got a public page that offers some kind of a product or service, you may choose to create a digital mock-up that helps your visitors get an idea of what you sell, and what will they will get from you. For instance, if you are a digital marketer, you may select out of a range of digital mock-ups that denote the tools, technologies, and symbols used within the digital marketing space. It will help your visitors understand your business.

2.   Flaunt your Creativity Using Best Facebook Cover Photos

Flaunt your Creativity

Sometimes, when you want to give your brand or your personal Facebook cover page the look and feel you want, you can check out some creative Facebook cover pages that reflect your creativity. You can further customize them to ensure that they look exactly how you want and showcase your thoughts to the world.

3.   Convey the Message Directly On Your Inspirational Facebook Cover Photos

Convey the Message Directly

You may not want to beat around the bush and get to the point straight away at times. For instance, if you are an interior designer, you may choose an image of an elegantly designed space, and create text about what you do. With such an approach, you don’t keep users wondering as to what you do and sell. The image is simple yet graceful, and the message is straightforward.

4.   Mix the Profile Photo With The Best Facebook Cover Photos

Mix the Profile Photo and the Cover Page

Incorporating the profile photo and the cover page is another creative Facebook cover page idea. It improves the aesthetics of your cover page. You may refer to a wide range of such designs and then customize them to your needs and match your expectations. However, you can choose to keep the profile photo and the cover page as standalone images. That strategy also creates a beautiful effect if the photos are complementing.

5.   Do a Creative Hotch-Potch On The Inspirational Facebook Cover Photos

Do a Creative Hotch-Potch

At times, you may want to give your cover page a raw, yet creative, and appealing look. In such a situation, you may sketch multiple images (relating to your business) on a foolscap paper, click the image, and then upload it. Try it out, if you’ve got excellent drawing skills and a creative angle that connects your brand with your users.

6.   Use Contrasting Colours On Your Cool Facebook Cover Photos

Contrasting colors catch attention. But, make sure you don’t go overboard with the contrast as that may spoil the overall appearance of the page, and make it look weird. For instance, using dark blue on black may make it difficult to view the image. Instead, using orange or yellow on a black background with a white-colored text can create the effect you’ve been looking for. Keep the image simple so that the color effect gets highlighted.

7.   Use Gradients On Your Good Facebook Cover Photos

Use Gradients

The use of gradients may seem outdated. But the good thing is, gradients are reviving themselves with brighter shades, colors, and attractive patterns. Gradients create a soft and soothing effect on the cover page, and they offer better visibility than a lot of other images and color patterns. You may use a gradient to your profile photo, and the cover photo to create a continuation effect, and align both the sections.

8.   Flaunt your Business Tools On Your Best Facebook Cover Photos

It is conventional to showcase your business tools. However, the idea remains fresh, and it creates an instant connection with your users. For instance, if you are a painter, you can flaunt your brush, colors, canvas, etc. connect with your users, give them an idea of what you do, and your passion for your profession.

9.   Show your Products On Make Inspirational Facebook Cover Photos

Show your Products

Now displaying your products may appear typical, but it is to the point, and it works. If you own a designer clothes boutique and have a range of products to show your prospects, why not create a Facebook cover page with some of your best creations on the screen? Your prospects will instantly know what you’ve got in store for them, and you never know, they may connect with you to know more about your offerings.

10. Cool Facebook Cover Photos – Display Symbols

Display Symbols

Symbols are a powerful medium of expression, especially when you don’t want to use words to do so. You may use a range of astronomical, natural, emojis, gem-based symbols on an attractive background to create the desired effect. However, ensure that you choose a design that isn’t cluttered with too many symbols.

11. Create a Scenic Effect – Best Facebook Cover Photos

A scenic effect aligns your Facebook cover page with your display photo. It creates a story with which your users may resonate instantly and further connect with your brand. For example, as a fashion designer, you may display some unstitched clothes on the cover page, with you in the display photo working on it.

12. Showing your Office Space And Making Inspirational Facebook Cover photos

Showing your Office Space

If you’ve got a separate office or a pretty large office space, you may click a beautiful photograph of your office building or that of your floor with people working. It lets your prospects know how your office space is and also gives you a view of the area your office is in.

13. Create a Call to Action

Creating a Call to Action proves useful as it directly urges your users to connect with your brand. For example, you may create a call to action, asking your users to send you an email or call you for more details.

14. Leverage the Typographical Effect

Leverage the Typographical Effect

Another good idea to create cool Facebook cover photos is to leverage typographies to enhance your brand connect. For instance, while a straight, simple, and the organized font may go well with a logistics brand, a rough and tough-looking font can look good if you deal with a famous brand of denim. Make sure you use the right colours to create the necessary effect.

15. Show your Best Finished Creation

Show your Best Finished Creation

Pick your best creation, and show it to the world. Keep updating your cover page with the best Facebook cover photos on a timely basis to flaunt the best of your creations to your prospects. Ensure that you don’t clutter your cover page with too many images. Keep it clean, and let your users enjoy the best of your creativity.

16. Speak it out Indirectly – Creating Funny Facebook Cover Photos

Something humorous, pointing at your brand, its creativity, product quality, the efficiency of your customer service, etc. can create an indirect effect. Such indirect message intrigue people into your brand, and can prove more effective while targeting prospects.

17. Show your Team

Show your Team

A lot of them out there want to see your team. Create a classic group photograph of your key team members, and post it proudly on your Facebook cover using the best Facebook cover photos. Let your visitors get a glimpse of your team, and let humans connect for better results and a higher amount of engagement.

18. Create a Collage of Patterns By Using Cool Facebook Cover Photos

A light-colored collage of various patterns related to your brand creates a lovely, colorful, and fresh effect. Try doing it, but ensure that you don’t clutter it with too many patterns. Give your design some breathing space.

19. Stay Unique

Stay Unique

You don’t have to necessarily follow someone, something, or another brand to promote yours on Facebook. At times, you may want to try something unique using your creativity, and market intelligence to develop something that creates the wow effect with your users.

20. Upload Various Layouts

Create cool Facebook cover photos with a content publishing company or a digital marketing company that flaunts various social media brands’ layouts. Besides, it can work well with a magazine that showcases a range of magazine pages on its Facebook cover page to give a real-time view of what the subscribers will get.

21. Use an Influencer Image on your Cover Page

Use an Influencer Image on your Cover Page

If you aren’t that big as a brand yet, you may want to use the face of your influencer to catch the attention of your target users. It is an age-old tradition wherein brands use celebrity faces to augment their brand’s aesthetic appeal. The influencer image with your brand name beside it can create the desired effect.

22. Write your Message in Bold

Sometimes, and depending on the situation, you may create a Facebook cover page using inspirational Facebook cover photos that displays your message in bold. A bold message written in a large font is a loud and clear expression of something that you may want to convey. For instance, a straightforward message like NOW OPEN, after a brief period of inactivity, especially after the lockdown, can convey the message to your users.

23. Create a Texture with a Blend of Colors

Create a Texture with a Blend of Colors

Creating a texture with a blend of colors help you create cool Facebook cover photos and enhance your brand image and make your Facebook cover page visually appealing. However, ensure that you use the right color mixtures to create a soothing blend and texture that pulls users towards your brand. Such combinations and textures are popular with artists’ Facebook pages.

24. Strike the Right Text Balance

Strike the Right Text Balance

Striking the right text balance is essential from the viewpoint of creating a well-planned, and laid out cover page. Besides, it also helps you convey the more significant part of the message in the right manner. For example, if you wish to create a cover page with some information on it, ensure that you keep the vital part of the message on the right, and then the rest, spaced well on the left-hand side of the image.

25. Keep the Message Simple

Keep the Message Simple

A simple background color, with a straight font, and an even straightforward message is something that, at times, proves more effective. If your message is compelling enough, you don’t have to use too many features to catch the attention. The message works enough and works well for the entire image.

26. Use Multiple and Diverse Patterns – Cool Facebook Cover Photos

Multiple and diverse patterns blended in a single image create a pleasing effect. Sometimes people also relate it with your versatility and the creative side of your brand personality.

27. Use a Color Block

Sometimes the prominent use of two colors in the same cover photo can help you catch your user’s attention. Nevertheless, you must ensure that you use complementing colors. Too much contrast can spoil the show.

28. Use Colors from your Profile Picture

Use Colors from your Profile Picture

At times, you may let your profile picture decide the colour scheme of your inspirational Facebook cover photos For example, if your profile picture has blue, green, and orange arranged in an order, you can create a Facebook cover page inspired by the same colour scheme.

29. Use Different Types of Shapes

Use Different Types of Shapes

The use of hexagons, pentagons, triangles, etc. can add to the beauty of your Facebook cover photo. So, you don’t have to limit your creativity squares and rectangles necessarily. You can experiment with other shapes as well to improve the overall appearance of your Facebook cover photo.

30. Create a Mini Gallery Of Cool Facebook Cover Photos

Create a Mini Gallery of Images

If you are a photographer, a sketching artist, a digital portrait-maker, etc. you may create a mini gallery of the best of your creations to intrigue people into your brand. Again, make sure that you don’t clutter the cover page with too many images. That may spoil the effect and confuse people as to what to see.

31. Your Brand Story

Your Brand Story

If you’ve got an exciting story, why not share it in a few lines on the cover page with the title, our story? A short story creates an emotional effect and instantly connects prospects with your brand. So, don’t shy away from sharing your brand story, and some interesting facts about your brand. You must ensure that you don’t stretch it, making it too long to read. If you want, you may add a photo of your key team members.

32. Let Colors Dominate your Cover Page

Sometimes colors speak for the brand’s story or reflect its approach. For instance, some vibrant yet appealing and soothing colors can create a visual effect. If that’s your approach, keep text minimal.

33. Use Various Geometric Shapes

Geometric shapes as cool Facebook cover photos can work well for creative professions such as architecture, interior designing, etc. or relating to construction. Now, this isn’t a rule or a limitation. You may use geometric shapes such as triangle, rectangle, circle, oval, etc. to enhance your brand appeal.

34. Use White

Use White

Perhaps, white is the most vibrant of all colors. It is elegant, royal, and gives your brand an entirely new and fresh feel. Nevertheless, while you use white, ensure that you use some other colors that complement it. A catchy and non-offensive message, in the right font, can also work in favor of your brand.

35. Use Overlapping Images

These cool Facebook cover photos may be necessary for a piece of information, some others may be even more critical, and the other is more critical than the rest. But, what do you do if all of them are trending? Here, you’ve got an option of overlapping images to build the impact. Using some deeper colors in this regard can be more helpful and visually attractive for your brand image.

36. Use your Brand Logo

Use your Brand Logo

What if your brand isn’t as famous yet? Flaunt your logo to make it more popular by the day. Spread out your logo, and let it talk about your brand loudly and proudly to optimize user attention, and drive more and more users to your brand through Facebook.

37. Contrast Images

The use of contrast cool Facebook cover photos, textures, or effects is another way of creating a visual appeal for your brand through a Facebook cover page. For instance, on the one hand, where you put up a rough and tough texture or image, on the other, you put up an image that represents something soft.

38. Keep Text to Minimal

Sometimes you don’t want the text to convey the message, but the image. In such a situation, put up a small-sized text on a prominent scenic background.

39. Flaunt your Values in Varying Font Sizes

Flaunt your Values in Varying Font Sizes

You can flaunt your company values in varying fonts just to create a creative effect on a vibrant background. Besides, you may also put up some latest exciting statistics about your brand to impress your users with the results you’ve delivered.

40. Flaunt a Catchy Message on your best Facebook cover photos

Put up a message that may not necessarily be your tagline, but a lot of wits, and something that people remember and associate your brand with it. While doing so, ensure that your message’s background color and font color go well with each other, so that the message is prominently visible on your cover page.

41. Give your Cover Page a Feminine Appearance

Give your Cover Page a Feminine Appearance

If you deal with something delicate or relating to beauty like beauty products, cosmetics, etc. you can use colors such as pink, red, golden, etc. to give it that feminine look. Similarly, you may use masculine colors, and use images of masculine objects around such as iron, etc. to give your cover page a masculine feel.

42. Upload an Image of your Work Desk

This can serve as inspirational Facebook cover photos to connect with your audience. Keep it natural, yet tidy, and presentable to give your users a real-time look at what you do, and how you do it.

43. Create a Road Map

Create a Road Map

Create a casual road map, and give your users some food for thought to create engagement with your brand. Do not complicate it too much. Keep it straightforward yet challenging enough to stimulate a thought process. Let the path end with something that will excite the users. You can be as creative as possible here. The road may end with an answer to user concerns in the form of your brand.

44. Ask a Question

Ask a Question

Asking a question on your Facebook cover page and asking your users to respond to the question in the message section can also intrigue users and create user engagement.

45. Create 3D Designs

Create 3D Design

3D designs make cool Facebook cover photos and catch user attention quickly. For a company involved in animation, graphic designing, creating infographics, video production, etc. 3D designs can work very well.

46. Show your Google Maps Location

If you’ve recently changed your office location, you may show your users the Google Maps location. You can add a message saying something like your favorite brand now at a new place, or alike. Such a cover photo proves useful when you’ve got a physical office, and you have clients visiting your office.

47. Flaunt a Stamp

Flaunt a Stamp

A stamp denotes authority and using it can make the best Facebook cover photos. Uploading a stamped image showing an accreditation, critical approval enhances your authority in your area of expertise and is useful while establishing your credibility.

48. Post a Trending a Hashtag

A single word trending hashtag can capture the user’s attention and encourage him to visit your brand page. Here, you must ensure that the page, font size, and background color are visible enough to ensure maximum user attention and brand engagement.

49. Go Black and White

Go Black and White

Black and white have their charm, appeal, and elegance. So, you don’t have to necessarily fill in a lot of colors to make your page look attractive. Using the right foreground and background images and text can create the necessary effect to your Facebook cover page.

50. Showcase your New Product or Communicate a Product Update

Showcase your New Product or Communicate a Product Update

A lot of times, users are looking forward to your new products or product updates. They follow the space to see if you’ve got the update they’ve been looking for. If that’s the case, understand your users’ needs, and make sure that you use your best Facebook cover photos on your Facebook cover page to communicate the launch of your product or a product update.

Of course, you can create your own Facebook cover photo, and upload it. However, if you want some instant and attractive Facebook cover page ideas and want to customize them to match them with your brand’s persona, sign up with GlorifyApp, and help your brand get the social media advantage.

Showcase your New Product or Communicate a Product Update 1

Of course, you can create your own Facebook cover photo, and upload it. However, if you want some instant and attractive Facebook cover page ideas and want to customize it to match it with your brand’s persona, sign up with GlorifyApp, and help your brand get the social media advantage.

FAQs: 50 Creative Inspirational Facebook Cover Photos To Inspire You

1) What is the ideal size of a Facebook cover photo?

The ideal dimensions of a Facebook cover photo are 820 pixels in width by 312 pixels in length on desktop, and 640 pixels in width by 360 pixels in length for smartphones. The dimensions that work well on both smartphones and desktops are 820 pixels wide by 462 pixels tall.

How to create good and inspirational Facebook cover photos?

A good Facebook banner comprises high stock photos as backgrounds, transparent overlay that helps the message pop, contrasting statements to make bold statements, quotes from industry stalwarts, resonating color combinations, fonts, font sizes, etc.

3) How do I add a caption to my cover photo?

Click on the edit link on your name below the image, and type your caption. If there’s already a caption present, you can edit, delete, or add as well. Click on the blue save button below the dialogue box to save your caption.