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Posted May 1, 2023

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Boost Your Amazon Affiliate Sales with High-Quality Product Images
Amazon affiliate product images

Building your brand through Amazon affiliate product images is a great way to increase online customer traffic. Content can quickly become stagnant on the web as new products and services are constantly being uploaded or offered, and staying one step ahead of the game is to use the Amazon Affiliates Association Program and keep your website up to date with the latest and essentially greatest of products and their professional photos to match.
And we will show you just how to achieve this, from the where to the how and why, we have you covered.
Using Amazon product images

Using Amazon product imagery is a great way to have up-to-date products for your product gallery listing. We all know the power of a professionally taken product photo and Amazon has some of the best imagery collections on the web. High-resolution photos that highlight features of products and showcase them in their best light are great for your brand and can significantly increase visitor sales and ideally, you will also see a rise in conversions and revenue.
Amazon product images do come with a specific set of guidelines that must be adhered to at all times to have up-loadable access to images, but also to prevent being shut down if you do manage to squeeze past some of the specifics, the bots will eventually find you and remove you.
And while many people think using people’s images, and even more so important if the photo’s are from a global firm such as Amazon, that if they simply credit the owner of the image they are covered. This is not true, you DO need to get actual permission to use the image as part of your affiliate’s website. Yes, you are showing respect and not trying to take credit for yourself, but they ultimately have exclusive rights and the final say on the image.
Can I use Amazon product images on my affiliate website?
Can you use Amazon product images on your affiliate website? Simply put, yes, you can, but there are rules. Firstly, you need to be an active member of the Amazons Associate Program (this is a free-sign up account) and secondly to get and use the Amazon images you have to get their SiteStripe.
You have to log into your Amazon account to access the images only available to Amazon affiliate program members. If you are unsure and not completely familiar with the procedures, consider using your own images rather, or purchase stock images that you can freely use on your website.
While Amazon does allow you to use their ready images for product promotion, you should always do so appropriately. Guidelines are easily accessible and should be looked over before image usage.
It goes without saying but still needs to be mentioned for those looking for any kind of loophole that you must attach image author credit to each and any image used on your website. And if all else fails, and to prevent any legal issues because of misunderstandings, always contact Amazon and their affiliate’s member call center to clear up any concerns.
Are Amazon product images copyright free?

Amazon product images are not free from copyright. Not only are they more than likely copyrighted by Amazon itself, but by the product manufacturer***.*** When in doubt, always keep in mind that a general rule, when images are created they are protected by copyright.
Using any images online, that isn’t your own, without permission, will in most cases infringe on their copyright. Companies, brands, and most certainly Amazon own the rights to all the images of their products that they promote.
This does not go to say that you cannot have access to them at all. If you do want to use product images from Amazon or any manufacturer be sure to get their permission and have them sign off on the request. The last thing you need is a legal battle on your hands when you are trying to grow your e-commerce business.
Scrape Amazon product images

Scraping Amazon product images is allowed with permission. So what does scraping images mean exactly? When people say they are ‘scraping’ the web it tells us they have a data software program that extracts relevant data (whether on an automated weekly or monthly basis calendar) and which lends itself to anything from stock image sites or social media platform imagery, to the more frowned upon human artists showcase such as DeviantArt.
Publicly available data is legally free to scrape from the web, but large corporations such as Amazon do have legal clauses prohibiting this without consent such as personal data or copyrighted imagery.
What you need to remember is that everything, and we mean everything on the Amazon site under the brand umbrella is owned by Amazon. Audio clips, button icons, graphics, logos, and any software is their property to do with what they wish or allow you to access some of it for use on your webpage.
If you do gain permission, and it is not too tricky when you follow the right path, it will benefit your brand to scrape regularly to ensure you have the most relevant and up-to-date product imagery. It is, of course, in Amazon’s best interest that you only use their product imagery for the sole purpose of product promotion on an affiliate website, and they do offer tools to help with this. A little homework and a permission slip and you are good to go.

How to scrape Amazon product images
If it all sounds too overwhelming but you know it needs to be done, then fear not, you are not alone in this thinking. We have curated and narrowed down the simple steps on how best to scrape images from Amazon - as an Affiliates Association Program member with permission - so you can quickly begin building your product image gallery collection on your affiliate’s website.
Here’s how;
Sign in - The first step is to sign into your Amazon Affiliates Association Program members account with your username and password, if you are not already a member you can create an account quickly and for free. Then you will begin using their SiteStripe area at the top left of the Amazon member’s home page.
Select a product - This is where you search to find a product you want to promote. When you find a product you are allowed access to one image of the product.
Select the image link - Then you will click on the image link within SiteStripe where you will be able to preview the image before moving on. Select the size of the image you want including the HTML code which will be highlighted, an image link will be created in the box at the bottom of the section.
Paste the code - Once you have the SiteStripe code you will upload it to your website or blog. By creating a block icon on the page, you will search for the HTML code and click the custom button when it shows. This is where you will paste the HTML product code you got from the Amazon page. If you do want to preview how it will look to customers choose the preview icon in the toolbar. To make any final edits click the 3-dot icon for alignment, text addition, or other.
Publish your post - Lastly, you will publish the post by clicking Post and viewing it to see how it looks on the website. The image link will have your unique members code for Affiliate members only, and when customers click on the link they are taken to the Amazon webpage, and when they make a purchase they get a small commission.
Done and dusted
When you have done the leg work, the hardest part is essentially getting the right permission to go ahead with using an Amazon product image, now you can sit back and earn hands-off money through commission-based sales and clicks.
And this not only earns you money but builds your brand awareness and increases your website visibility.
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