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Posted Jan 25, 2024
6 min read

Affiliate Marketing, Amazon, Business, Ecommerce, Marketing
Amazon Image Requirements for Product Listings in 2024
However, what also needs consideration here is what really goes behind an extraordinary Amazon listing. Products on Amazon rely primarily and heavily on images. You might have an awesome seller page with well-articulated product descriptions, however, the product images on Amazon are what sell the products at the end of the day. The images are the only way for a buyer on Amazon to get a feel of the product, and hence, you cannot really go wrong with this.
Here is your cheat sheet for Amazon’s product image requirements and best practices to let the sales begin!
Technically speaking, let us first see what Amazon, on their website, ask you for-
TIFF (.tif/.tiff), JPEG (.jpeg/.jpg), GIF (.gif) and PNG (.png) format
Image pixel dimensions of at least 1000 or larger in either height or width preferred
sRGB or CMYK color modeFile names must consist of the product identifier (Amazon ASIN, 13-digit ISBN, EAN, JAN, or UPC) followed by a period and the appropriate file extension (Example: B000123456.jpg or 0237425673485.tif)
Decoding it for you
Amazon recommends using dimensions that are larger than 1000 pixels on a single side. Now, we also have to consider the fact that the minimum Amazon image dimension for the image’s longest side is 500 pixels while the maximum is 10,000 pixels. Hence, you are left with a 500 pixel to 10,000-pixel range for one side- an this is LARGE.
Amazon also recommends using a 1:1 square image with the dimensions 2000 x 2000 and allows for a maximum zoom or a 5:1 aspect ratio. The zoom ability, however, is enabled only when the image is at least 1000 pixels on the longest side and 500 pixels on the shortest side.
The maximum file size needs to be under 10mb for each image and while JPEG, TIFF, or GIF files are permitted, JPEG is the most preferred and recommended Amazon image file format.
Amazon also recommends cropping the photo, while minimizing any extras white space to retain the focus on the product’s size.
It should also be known that Amazon will compress your image before it is uploaded, regardless you compress it or not while submitting it to the site.
So, the best Amazon Product Image Size is 2000 by 2000 pixels; the dimensions that form an aspect ratio of 1:1.
Now, setting aside the technicalities, let us get into the other aspects of an Amazon product image. If you have spent some time on the app, you would have noticed an uncanny similarity between images on the site. This is because Amazon’s (rather strict) requirements on non-technical aspects are aimed at achieving a sense of uniformity across the pages.
The design requirements, for a primary photo listing and the requirements for a thumbnail image that pops up in the search, are also different. Hence, it is only obvious that attention, to even the smallest of details, needs to be paid in order to be a hero seller on Amazon.

Amazon Main Image Guidelines
Let us look into the requirements detailed by Amazon for the primary photo listing image, form Amazon’s own website:
The image must be the cover art or a professional photograph of the product being sold. Drawings or illustrations of the product are not allowed.
The image must not contain gratuitous or confusing additional objects.
The image must be in focus, professionally lit and photographed or scanned, with realistic color, and smooth edges.
Books, Music, and Video/DVD images should be the front cover art, and fill 100% of the image frame. Jewel cases, promotional stickers, and cellophane are not allowed.
All other products should fill 85% or more of the image frame.
The full product must be in frame.
Backgrounds must be pure white (RGB 255,255,255).
The image must not contain additional text, graphics, or inset images.
Pornographic and offensive materials are not allowed.
Now, Amazon also has some for “Additonal Other View Images.” These are the images that you would use for your listing in order to impart additional information to your potential buyer.
These requirements, as quoted by Amazon on their website, are-
The image must be of, or pertain to, the product being sold.
The image must be in focus, professionally lit and photographed or scanned, with realistic color, and smooth edges.
Other products or objects are allowed to help demonstrate the use or scale of product.
The product and props should fill 85% or more of the image frame.
Cropped or close-up images are allowed.
Backgrounds and environments are allowed.
Text and demonstrative graphics are allowed.
Pornographic and offensive materials are not allowed.

Now, while all of these requirements are rather self-explanatory, let us help you with some tips. Read up for some recommended best practices that could ensure you are on the right path with your business on Amazon
1. Go Big or Go Home
Amazon images, as discussed, cannot be enlarged or zoomed into until they are large enough. A buyer, obviously, will not think twice before closing your seller page and drifting to your competition’s page that perhaps uses images large enough to be zoomed into. The zooming-in ability of an image is enabled at 100 pixels, however, the most preferred size remains at 2500 pixels. Hence, it is imperative on Amazon to use images that are big enough so that the specs of the product can be zoomed into and looked at by a user.
Tired of cropping, aligning, compressing to get the best product image? Let Glorify make the task easier for you. Glorify is equipped with thousands of templates that help you generate phenomenal Amazon product images. The library is also loaded with thousands of templates that can further help you create visuals for your Amazon listing – all at just some drags and drops.

2. Use Multiple Images
Amazon lets you sue many images to a product listing and it would absolutely make no sense for you to not exploit this feature. An image with only one product on a web platform will not gain any under engagement or attention because, as said, images are what sell products on the web. Use multiple images taken from multiple angles to effectively host your product and give the users a 360-degree view of the product.
You could also add graphics, texts, attractive phrases, brief instructions, and other relevant information to your alternative photos. For example, if you are selling shoes, you could add an image of the relevant size chart. This saves the users the need to scroll all the way down to product description.

3. Consider Lifestyle Images
An Amazon lifestyle image is the image that shows the product in use. Such images can act as a selling feature because they show the product in a new light altogether. For example, if you are a dream-catcher seller, a user might get more perspective of the size of the dream catcher when they see it in use in a lifestyle image. The dream catcher also otherwise might look rather flat just as an image. However, with a lifestyle image, you could show it being used as a part of room decor. This also imparts inspiration and the user might want to then recreate the decor in their room, eventually helping boost your sales.

4. Read Up On Industry-Specific Guidelines
Apart from the generic guidelines as discussed earlier, Amazon also has some industry-specific guidelines that one might want to consider. If not, you might risk creating an image that would be disapproved, eventually having you create it from scratch.
For example,for clothing products, the requirements include that women and men’s clothes must be portrayed either flat or on a model however, an infants’ clothing product MUST always be laid flat in the primary image. Another requirement for lingerie and swimsuit products require the image to not be “sexually explicit.”

Final thoughts
While Amazon offers a lot of flexibility and features that other e-commerce platforms might still be falling back on, Amazon’s image requirements remain rather pricey. However, the cheat here is to leverage that to your benefit. Let your creative juices flow and while creating an image, always look the image from a buyer-perspective to make the most out of it.
For days when you feel rather low on energy, creativity, and the patience to focus on the details, let Glorify be the messiah! Our library is equipped with thousand of pre-designed, professionally generated templates, and themes for the most phenomenal-looking visuals. We do not only take care of the most accurate and phenomenal Amazon Lifetsyle or Amazon Product images, but e also got your back across Social Media. With Glorify, boost your online business by creating visuals that matter!
Read More:
How To Improve Your Amazon Product Listing Page
How to Design Amazon Storefront Banners
How to Use Amazon’s API on Your Shopify Website
Tips To Get Positive Reviews on Amazon
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