Posted May 1, 2023

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Create beautiful marketing graphics at scale.

Create beautiful marketing graphics at scale.

Create beautiful marketing graphics at scale.


Boost Your Sales with Amazon Product Image Best Practices




Boost Your Sales with Amazon Product Image Best Practices

Boost Your Sales with Amazon Product Image Best Practices

Amazon product images: best practices

Amazon product image optimization is a crucial strategy for e-commerce businesses, and even more so for Amazon. As a business owner and seller on Amazon, you need to make SEO optimization a standard regular occurrence in your online business practice, and we are going to show you how and why to execute it right the first time around.

Following quick and easy guidelines will make your online store more effective and certainly more efficient when it comes to analyzing your conversions, sales, and revenues. Let’s get the ball rolling and help you discover what you may have been missing or how you can improve your existing product imagery.

What are the best practices for Amazon listing images?

A screenshot of the Amazon website with a brown shoe as a product listing

Implementing the best practices for Amazon listing images can significantly boost your customer views, positive ratings, and sales conversions, so what do you need to do? Well, it’s quite simple really. Follow a few fundamental tips and considerations, and your Amazon listing image gallery will be appearing on page one before you know it. Let’s take a quick look at what you can do to better your brand awareness and appearance on Amazon.

  • Framing - White space is your friend. Amazon has specific requirements for uploading images, and most certainly for the main image, but ensuring the full product is in view is key - except for zoomed-in features and details you want to focus on. Be sure there is no awkward cropping or shade on one side of the frame, a pure white space within the entire frame is what you’re aiming for.

  • Angles - Allowing customers to see the product from all angles means there are no hidden surprises that could lead to returns or bad reviews and comments. Show them 360-degree angles including the underneath so they are not left wanting more.

  • Close-ups - This is where you can showcase why your product is superior to others. Offer close-ups of bespoke details, fine hand-crafted details, and unique features that make purchasing your product a must.

  • Additional information - If you are selling food items or such be sure to include photos of the nutritional label and ingredient information so customers know exactly what they are getting.

  • Lifestyle - If possible, try to show your product in action. Someone using the product, and how it fits into everyday lifestyles and routines so customers can envision themselves using it and that it will benefit them.

A few effective tweaks and edits to your professionally shot imagery and you will be all set to take the Amazon world by storm. Now you only need to be prepared for a considerable order influx -  a welcomed problem no doubt.

How do I optimize Amazon product images?

Optimizing Amazon product images is easy when you know how, and after reading these 5 guidelines and implementing them, your brand and product will be to the quality you had always envisioned.

A screenshot of a web post with a black Steve Madden shoe

  1. Image slots - There are essentially 7 image slots available and you should use all of them with your product photos. If you have the opportunity and content for 6 images and 1 video all the better. Amazon does offer 360-degree image capabilities which if relevant can significantly work to your advantage.

  2. Any images you do upload need to be initially on a blank backdrop (the main image), and any secondary images should be concise, attractive, and visually informative.

  3. Size does matter - Image quality is intrinsically linked to pixels and sizing of either 500x500 or 1000x1000 will boost the quality of your listing tremendously. The higher the pixel aspect (optimal range being 1600 pixels) the better the zoomed-in image quality so customers can see important features such as fabric material or insignia.

  4. If you are selling music, books, or videos be sure the whole product is in the image frame, no cropped or styled images are permitted. For other products, ideally, you want them to command up to 85% of the frame whilst maintaining your elegant white space border.

  5. Accuracy - It may seem obvious but it needs to be said. The product being advertised should be the product the customer receives. Do not upload a drawing of the image, or a photo that has been heavily (Instagram) filtered, this will only be a negative knock-on effect on your brand and product listing.

  6. Customers want to see real-life colors, dimensions, sizing if possible, and products photographed in good lighting that are flattering. It should for sure be in focus with no blurred edges or visible pixelation.

  7. No distractions - This point does not come as common knowledge to many sellers surprisingly, but more often than not trying to style or stage a product just causes it to be lost within the image. Eliminate background clutter, simple, chic, and clean will always come out on top, and let your product be the main hero of the image.

  8. Test and test again - Once you have met all the image requirements run a test pilot of imagery. analyze data and statistics to evaluate which products have higher conversion rates, consider their imagery content and layouts, and made adjustments so you are continually optimized for increased sales.

Glorify Deal 2023

How important are product images on Amazon?

Extremely! The importance of product images on Amazon can be a deal breaker in the world of online shopping if not done well. From the moment a customer sees your product you want them to click on it, you want to appeal to them to look further into your products and details, and a professional product photo will do just that.

When shopping online customers are limited to their sensory impressions and essentially only have visuals to work with. Elements such as touch, sound, or even taste which make a big difference in purchasing decision-making are taken out of the equation, so what is left needs to be of the highest quality to sell your product. Therefore, it is vitally important that the images that act as your brand ambassadors are the best representation of your company, brand, and product range.

Take note of these few points to see why a good photo can be a game-changer for your product listing, and if possible, use them to edit existing imagery and improve your overall product gallery appearance.

A screenshot of the Amazon website with a gold necklace as a product listing

  • Superior first impressions - People shop with their eyes, when your product looks good they already trust your brand and it makes them want to see more. When it comes to search engine results in pages you need to stand out from the pack, and a well-curated image and layout will be the first step.

  • Customer experience - Always offer clear, high-quality images so customers can see what they’re getting, and add as much information as possible so the customer feels their search result query has been heard. And your product offers the solution they have been waiting for. Consider including the 360-degree viewing feature so customers can enjoy a more immersive involvement.

  • Increased sales - Studies have shown us that when images are concise, and audience-specific on the results page it can lead to improved sales.

  • Brand credibility - Building customer trust will create the foundation for loyal service and increase return-customer shopping. Showing and telling everything there is to know about an item indicates that, as a trusted brand, you have nothing to hide. This evokes a good feeling in customers and will also boost recommendations.

Final Comments

Using high-quality images can help consumers visually connect with your product, get up close and personal with features they may be looking for, and evaluate whether it is for them. Your images have one main objective and that is to essentially entice and persuade customers to purchase your product over a competitor, and great product photos can help you achieve that.

Always think about how your photography can engage with the customer, connect with them on an emotional level, and ultimately tap into their imagination so they feel inspired and that they need your product.

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