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Posted Feb 2, 2023

8 Business Card Design Best Practices [Definitive Guide]
What Are the Benefits Of Using Business Cards?
Late in the 17th century, merchants started using cards to promote their products. And no wonder they are still around, considering the benefits of using them:
A fantastic first impression that can make your brand memorable.
They are an affordable way of advertising.
They can boost lead generation.
They offer a quick and practical way for others to get in touch with you.
Business cards are a vital networking tool and are still expected to hand out during meetings, events, conferences, etc.
Helps visually commit a brand to customers' memory.
Serve as a physical reminder of your brand.
Paper Vs Digital Business Card
While paper business cards serve as noticeable handouts at networking events, it's challenging to change contact details once they're produced.
Also, remember that they are not the greatest eco-friendly solution, with many being thrown away within a week.
Alternatively, digital business cards are easy to update and share. Also, you can attach different media, such as videos, links, photos, etc. Another benefit is that they are cost-effective and environmentally safe.
But there are also some drawbacks. For instance, they depend on Internet access. Moreover, they can be easily overlooked or ignored if clients have blocked images from their email provider.

There is, of course, a method to combine the best of both worlds. For example, suppose you have a physical business card with a QR code. In that case, a client can use an app which will direct them to a URL of your choosing.
Now, let’s move to some of the business card design best practices to apply instantly!
8 Business Card Design Best Practices With Examples
So, no matter which type of business card you choose, you should pay special attention to its appearance. That's why we prepared 8 business card design best practices that will help to design a business card that will leave a lasting impression.
1. Include all the relevant information
Cluttered design results in information overload and nothing noteworthy.
Instead, stick to the basics and include the following:
Company name
Your name and job title
Email address
Phone number
Website address
Social media accounts.
Also, include a tagline or a QR code if possible. A QR code can be helpful for potential customers who wish to learn more about the brand and its offerings.

Scanning the code allows them to get the information they need quickly and efficiently. Given that QR codes are additional information, you can put this on the back of your business card.
2. Choose a design that reflects your brand's personality
What impression do you want people to have of your brand? For example, if you are a party planner, you can include vibrant colors and creative design.
An architect may employ geometrical lines and simple colors.

Or, in the case of this divorce attorney, a bold statement.

A business card that can be divided in half is a simple yet effective way of summarizing his job, while having a stand out design.
3. Be aware of your font type and size
Making a readable business card seems easy. But unfortunately, many companies get so caught up in artistic design that they forget this simple rule.
Pick polished, straightforward, and simple fonts for added readability.
When choosing the appropriate fonts,, you must consider the hierarchy of the content, the weight of your fonts, and how much text you want to have on your business card.

Here are a few pointers to make your choice easier:
The choice of typeface
The typeface you choose will rely on your business's nature and the tone and style you wish to convey.
So, choose a serif typeface like Times New Roman, Trajan Pro, or Apple Garamond for a classy and professional look. Or, if you want to appear creative, then Sugar Rush, Kensington, and Broadway can be better options.
However, you can notice the most popular fonts like Times New Roman, Helvetica, Arial, Riviera, Buenard, etc.
But use only 3 fonts because it can look messy otherwise.

The ideal font size
Regarding the ideal size, it should be somewhere between 10 and 16 pt.
Always choose a larger font size for the names, headings, and primary text because it helps fill the space and makes the most important facts stand out.
Choose a smaller font size for the supporting texts, such as the contact information.
However, avoid going below 8 pt because it can make the typeface difficult to read and can look unprofessional.

Sans serif fonts are simpler to read even in small font sizes, while serif and script fonts are nearly impossible to read in such small sizes. Consequently, the typeface you select will significantly impact what font size you should use for your business card.
4. Decide on your logo design
Logo and brand colors are a vital part of your branding. While a classic approach is to place a logo in the upper left corner, you can be more creative than that.
Since your logo is a visual representation of your company, it merits a prominent place that will immediately grab the attention of potential customers.
For instance, you can try the following:
Vertical placement at the top or bottom to make a bold statement.
Enlarge the logo and use it as a background for the entire business card. This works very well for a two-toned logo.
Or, scale it down, place it in the center, and use a transparency circle around it to create a layout with other card elements.

The creative, minimalistic business card in the shape of a duck includes the logo as a beak, cleverly holding onto one half of the fold. The use of color, format and logo placement makes this one of the business card design best practices.
5. Choose colors carefully
Did you know that people are ten times more likely to keep a colorful business card than a plain one? It is all linked with color psychology and how we react to colors.
If you already have your brand colors, you should include them in your design.
But keep the following in mind:
Color can influence decision-making, so you should select colors that encourage a deep emotional connection with your clients.

Also, colors you select for your business cards should be related to the services you offer. At this point, think about your target audience and choose colors accordingly.
For instance, if you are a small bakery owner, you would probably not use black as your primary color.

Take a look at your competition and what design they are using. You can go in the opposite direction and create something unique but within your brand's visual guidelines.

6. Take into account brand identity with card size and shape
The business card is your blank canvas from a design perspective. Express your creativity while maintaining your brand's identity. For example, die-cut business cards come in various shapes, giving them a distinctive appearance.
Float is a soap company that used soap bubbles as an inspiration.

And if you look at the shape of the card, it really does resemble images of bubbles.

Great combination of colors and visual elements makes this cut-out a unique business card design best practice from the industry.
7. Consider white space
Of course, white space need not be the color "white." It denotes a blank spot where content can breathe. Make sure that distinct components stick out.
Conserve space by:
Eliminating irrelevant titles
Switching from text to icons
Selecting simple template designs

8. Think about the material
Don't cut corners on business cards. You want a card that feels substantial and appealing to the touch, good stock paper, print that won't bleed from a drop of water, etc.

You can create unique designs using unconventional materials like plastic, metal, wood, cork, or fabric.

Or make them useful, as well. This is a great example of business card design best practices that you can apply to your brand.
As you see, a well-designed business card should follow your brand guidelines. And with the help of our business card design best practices creating one shouldn’t be a problem.
But, to make this process even more accessible, an online tool like Glorify can assist you along the way.
Step 1. Start with a blank canvas, and enter the required dimensions.

Choose one of the many fonts from the fonts library, or upload your own.

From the Assets panel on the right, under Text, choose Heading, Subtitle, or Body Text. Then, selecting the text on the image, an editor on the left will appear.
You can edit paragraphs, letter spacing, line height, font size and style with many customizing options.
Step 2. Choose a background by selecting Image or Background from the Library.

If you started with a template or already have a design you would like to use, enter 1098x648 px into Canvas Setting to turn any design into a business card.

Step 3. Use the Brand kit to apply your logo, brand colors, or custom fonts.

Step 4. Enhance your design with Effects, Drop shadows, Icons, Illustrations, etc.

Step 5. Invite your team members to brainstorm, comment, or organize ideas using Infinite canvas. Once you are happy with the design, save it, or share it via email or link.
So, sign up with Glorify today, and create a unique business card, cost-effective and hustle-free!
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