Posted Aug 17, 2023

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Dropshipper, Dropshipping, Ecommerce

Create beautiful marketing graphics at scale.


Getting Started with Your Dropshipping Business: Using Glorify App for Product Images



Getting Started with Your Dropshipping Business: Using Glorify App for Product Images

Start your dropshipping business using glorifyapp for product images
Start your dropshipping business using glorifyapp for product images
Start your dropshipping business using glorifyapp for product images
Start your dropshipping business using glorifyapp for product images

When Andreas & Alexander, the famous drop shippers-turned-entrepreneurs, announced how dropshipping benefits them with over 10 million USD annually, the idea created a sea of buzz among many like-minded individuals.

People started banging at their doors, featuring them in YouTube videos, and entitling them as the world’s wealthiest dropshippers.

But despite how amazing it sounds, the biggest myth associated with dropshipping is that it’s the quickest way to get rich.

It only becomes quicker with smart work.

Glorify amplifies dropshipping by bringing life to your product images and making them attractive. And since 93% of customers decide on purchases based on visual appearances, Glorify acts as an all-in-one design tool for creating sellable images.

Let’s find out how.

How can I start dropshipping?

man packing dropshipping product

A dropshipping business requires several steps: choosing the niche, performing product research, finding suppliers, making a website, and marketing it. Let’s analyze them in detail:

  • Investment - As a beginner, you need either of two things to excel in your dropshipping business: money and time. If you prefer investing money, the maximum amount can go up to $800. As for time, you need to spend around 15 hours weekly if you aim to earn $2000 per month. And dropshipping is all about consistency.

  • Choose your niche - Niche down your product when starting with dropshipping. It’s because you can’t just please everyone with every product. We suggest going with your personal favourite niche; this way, you can monetize your dropshipping business quicker.

  • Once you’ve found your selling goal, your next task is to enlist your competitors and see what they do for their dropshipping business. Keep a blend of both big and small names to uncover more chances of winning the competition. You can use Google, Social media, and competitor spy tools like Alexa for the research using product keywords.

  • Finding suppliers - You must find a trustworthy supplier to transport your products to your customers. Simply Google [Product] + dropshipping supplier, or contact the manufacturers directly.

  • Building a website - To display your dropshipping business to your customers, you need to build a great e-commerce website. It will be your main hub for selling products, traffic, and receiving payments. You can take the help of AI tools like Chat GPT to create some parts of the website and hire a web developer to review it. It will help you save your budget.

But you won’t need a graphic designer to help with the images and mockups, and you can make your own mockups using Glorify.

Lastly, you need to fulfil legal liabilities and file your financial accounts for your dropshipping business.

How can Glorify App help start your Dropshipping business?

Despite following the basic steps, a thin line that differentiates you from competitors in terms of conversion is the images you use. Why? Because humans process visual content 60 times more than words.

Glorifyapp dropshipping templates

In order to prevent your business from turning out of business, your dropshipping business tool should have the best of the best features to stand out from the crowd. For instance, recognizing images and searching for products, dropping products to your store at a click of a button, and syncing your pricing and inventory.

Glorify app not only takes your worries about hiring a separate designer for your dropshipping business but also helps you leverage your goals with a cost-effective approach.

It can help you build optimized images for your product, highlighting your product features like quantity, specifications, and brand size in a unique way. Moreover, you can even accomplish your dropshipping goals in less than 15 hours weekly due to Glorify’s AI-powered image generation and template gallery.

So, how to start dropshipping using Glorify app?

Let's get to the steps first. Here's how you can make a hero image with Glorify app for your dropshipping business:

  1. Capture your product or use Stock images available for your product.

  2. Drag it to Glorify's background remover and remove the background.

  3. Look for the best template that defines your brand from Glorify app's template library.

  4. Use the template, drop your product image, and trigger your creativity.

  5. You can start adding logos, changing colours, fonts, and a lot more to make your product feel special.

Apart from editing your original photo, you can:

  1. Employ the smart resizing feature to optimize the images your site can hold.

  2. Use Glorify's Brand Kit to apply your brand's assets (colours, logos, fonts, visual content, etc.), creating a consistent professional brand identity approach.

  3. Make mockup designs for your virtual products.

  4. Design product images from scratch and combine the template library's designs. For instance, adding stock photos, illustrations, models, icons, etc.)

The Role of Product Images in Dropshipping

Dropshipper store with Ecommerce Products

When you visit an online e-commerce store, what's the first thought that comes to your mind as a customer? 'Let me zoom into the product image for a closer look', right?

That's the deal! Customers can't really feel the product and are very serious about their eyeing skills. If they find your product image doubtful, unclear, or fishy, it would be a literal benefit of the doubt for them and a nightmare for your business.

The same goes for dropshipping; your product images speak louder than your words, and they should literally stand out!

So how do quality images contribute to the success of a dropshipping business?

1. Lowering the rate of return

Shopping cart abandonment is a literal no-no for any e-commerce business. But what's worse than having the product returned to your warehouse? Zero ROI is something that we can't ignore in a dropshipping business, and it mostly happens because of reviews like, 'product not the same as the picture.'

High-resolution product images grab your customers' attention and help increase return on investment and retain your clients. And this brings you close to the dropshipping revenue goals that you signed up for.

2. Build trust

Now you've chosen the best image creator for dropshipping, like Glorify, and added high-resolution real-life image mockups. Your customer sees the image, gets inspired, and buys the product.

When they see the product aligning exactly with the image you created for your dropshipping business, it brings them a sense of satiety, builds trust in your brand, and keeps them coming back for more.

3. Act as a complete source of information

Your product description is NOT enough to describe your product. It does act as a source of information but doesn't provide detailed nuances.

High-quality images of the original product, combined with a fancy background, act as an excellent source of engagement compared to businesses that don’t care about their product images.

This phenomenon isn't just limited to any dropshipping business but also boosts sales for products on social media like Twitter and Instagram.

For instance, a recent study showed that quality and professional images generated a higher engagement on both Instagram and Twitter for product categories compared to those without.

A picture speaks a thousand words, and adding quality images is one of the fastest ways to demonstrate what your product is actually like. Why? Because 90% of the information collected by your brain is visual.

4. Is Good for Search Engines (SEO)

Have you ever noticed how Google gives instant image suggestions when searching for your product? The image section saves time and acts as an instant way to take you to your e-commerce site with a click. Yes, right, 3 seconds!

Your dropshipping business needs SEO as much as your other leads do. And for optimizing your images for SEO, there are certain guidelines to be followed, for instance:

  1. Add quality photos

  2. Use alt text in your images

  3. Use the supported format for images (JPEG, WebP, PNG, etc.)

Though not everything is possible with one app, you can surely use design platforms like Glorify to get high-resolution images aligning with your content.

Glorify has a template gallery with optimized images for sites and other formats. They also generate images in the formats supported by Google, where you can choose product images in one go.

You can choose any stock photo without hiring a professional photographer if you find the right image.

5. Reduce site loading time with the right images

If you want to learn how to start dropshipping with the right product images, you need to design your image correctly. Certain types of images slow down your site's loading speed and reduce conversions instead of enhancing them.

So, if your images have the following features, it will likely hinder your site's loading time:

  • They are very large

  • They aren't in the supporting format

  • They lack proper dimensions

  • They aren't optimized for the device.

For instance, you can:

  • Reduce images sizes with image resizing tools like that in Glorify

  • Reduce the bandwidth consumption of your browser by using optimized images.

  • Boost parallel loading by optimizing your image. During parallel loading, browsers download several resources like images at once and reduce the site's loading time.

  • The browser saves images as caches when visitors visit a site. You can use it to optimize your images to accelerate the browser cache for repeated visits.

Benefits of Using Glorify App for Dropshipping

Now, when you‘re fully familiar with how to start dropshipping and leverage it with Glorify, it’s time to uncover more benefits.

Glorify is an all-rounder design app that can help you create eye-catching and professional images with user-friendly options suitable for professionals and non-design entrepreneurs.

Another thing is that it acts as a useful dropshipping business tool for optimizing images for SEO, increasing conversions, and reducing site loading time and bounce rates.

Plus, the price! Studies say you can even start your dropshipping business with a mere $100. So, if that's your budget in real, can you hire another designer to deliver quality images with impact? Sounds quite impossible.

Glorify offers an amazing plan for all types of users, starting from free to pro, and business plans, which you won't view as deep pockets and can choose to upgrade as your dropshipping business flourishes.

Moreover, credibility is the biggest reason you should use Glorify for your drop shipping business. It's been rated 4.9/5 on review pages like Producthunt.

Here's an example of an honest review:

Glorifyapp customer review

What sets Glorify app from any other image creator for dropshipping is that Glorify is great for both designers and non-designers. This feature makes it dropshipping even more pocket-friendly.

To sum up, as a dropshipping business tool, Glorify can:

  • Provide Annotate tool for highlighting features like colours, text, and images. Help you utilize template bundles for putting up with consistent image styles and themes across all platforms.

  • Make realistic 3D mockups to replace product photography

  • Use Brand kit for logos

  • Sharpen images and remove backgrounds with built-in AI-powered tools

  • Add ground and drop shadows with reflections.

  • Resize images

Lastly, Glorify encourages teamwork, where you can share, arrange, and upload your end product to your online store.


To excel in your dropshipping business, you do need a solid image creator for dropshipping to boost your sales. And in such a short span since its launch, Glorify has had amazing success in gaining entrepreneurs’ trust, optimizing product images with flexible options, and converting visitors to customers at a click within budget.

So, start your free trial now to discover what converting images feel like in real.

The path to Glory begins here

The path to Glory begins here