Posted Nov 9, 2022

8 min read

Ecommerce, Marketing, Amazon

Create beautiful marketing graphics at scale.


How To Improve Your Amazon Product Listing Page



How To Improve Your Amazon Product Listing Page

It goes without saying that you’d have chosen image B. In fact, even if the salon in image B charged you $20, or $25, you’d more likely visit them.

Amazon listing as a literal physical store.

Why? Because appearance matters.

And in this case, the outer appearance of the salon was what made you make that decision.

The same psychology applies to your online store.

If your store looks tacky, cheap and unappealing, your potential customers won’t even give your listing a second glance. And you can forget about retargetting ads, email marketing and other strategies. If your store doesn’t have the right look that your audience is looking for, you’re not going to make any sales from your marketing.

So, before your splurge on massive marketing campaigns to propel your listing and drive more traffic, consider these tips to make your Amazon listing look amazing:

Front-End Content

Keep all your content explicit and sharp.


Flawless grammar radiates professionalism and ensures clarity. So if grammar isn’t your forte, it would be a good idea to invest in a professional copywriter to knock up the copy for your listing.

Let’s break down this section further into: title text and product description text.

Title text

Use high hitting keywords-  the longer, and more descriptive it is, the better. Make sure that the keywords can be filtered by Amazon (e.g. brand name, material, condition). For example, assuming that you are selling garden hoses, if you search for garden hose on Amazon, you will see in the filter options the following categories: brand, garden hose length, feature keywords, garden hose material, color, conditions, FSA or HAS eligible, Amazon certified and Amazon Global Store. So a good title would be “BrandX 60ft, light weight, green, polyurethane Garden Hose with 5 nozzles”.

You can check out the Cambridge Dictionary for proper adjective arrangements. In addition, filter options will vary per product so make sure to include this when doing your product research.

Product description text

Make your content visually convenient for your visitors. This includes breaking down your descriptions in phrases, presented in bullet form.  Be sure to provide all the information within your visitor’s attention span. In addition, include both the direct and indirect benefits of your product, as well as, some usage and maintenance instructions if applicable (best to place these in separate paragraphs/sections). These will help your visitors weigh-in your product and it would spare them the hassle of contacting you for clarifications.

Great product pages attract more traffic and help amplify conversions. They basically narrate the story of your brand and product, as well as fundamentally connect your audience with your brand.

When creating product images for your Amazon listing page, your first goal should be to fall within the platform’s image technical requirements and standards.

For your main product image, these are the guidelines:

  • 1000-pixel dimension in either height or width

  • Color mode: sRGB or CMYK

  • image file name should be in standard format: product identifier (Amazon ASIN, 13-digit ISBN, EAN, JAN or UPC) + [period] + appropriate file extension

  • file extensions allowed: TIFF, JPEG, GIF and PNG

  • professional photograph of the product (not an illustration/drawing)

  • the full product should fill at least 85% of the image frame (applicable to all products except for books, music and video/DVD products)

  • books, music and video/DVD images should fill 100% of the image frame.

  • Background must be pure white (RGB 255, 255, 255)

  • The main image should not contain additional text, graphics or inset images

For your supporting images, these are the guidelines:

  • Content should be related to the product being sold

  • Images must be professionally photographed showing realistic elements/features

  • Other objects (apart from the product) are allowed to scale the product

  • The product and other objects should fill at least 85% of the image frame

  • Other backgrounds are allowed (not just white anymore)

  • Text and demonstrative graphics are allowed

  • No offensive or pornographic content is allowed

Creating a checklist of the requirements and making sure they are addressed can be quite a task, especially if you don’t have the additional resources to hire a professional graphic designer.  This is where design softwares like Glorify, which are specifically for eCommerce become most beneficial because the technical requirements are represented in simplified buttons/tools which you can use to create Amazon-ready images in just a few clicks.

In addition to the technical aspects of your images, it’s also vital that your images are attractive, appealing and professional. Here are some templates from Glorify that demonstrate these features.

Customizable design templates from Glorify

Amazon Enhanced Brand Content

The Amazon Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) feature allows you, the seller, to publish text and image placements within the product description section in order to better anchor your brand trademark (amidst the sea of related resellers). Utilizing the Amazon EBC can potentially lessen the chances of your buyer to shift to or find another seller right away. For now, Amazon offers this feature free of charge but you’ll have to have your brand registered on Amazon. This is like a “certification” that recognizes you  either as the brand owner or an authorized brand seller who controls the brand on the Amazon platform.

On seller central, just navigate to the Advertising tab, then select Enhanced Brand Content. You will see five (5) templates and an option to create a custom template.
Here are some EBC design templates from Glorify.

EBC design templates from Glorify.

Back-End Content

Back-end content basically encompasses additional keywords that help Amazon rank your listing on organic search results. These are keywords that wouldn’t be displayed on your product listing page (to perhaps help you decongest), yet are equally important for product discoverability.  Amazon limits back-end keywords to less than 250 characters in the US, 200 bytes in India, 500 bytes in Japan and less than 250 bytes in other marketplaces not mentioned (except China). In addition, you cannot repeat front-end keywords and include competitor ASINs and brand names. You should still use keyword search tools like you do with your front-end content.

Get the Amazon Prime Badge

Product listings showing the Amazon Prime Badge  are attention-grabbing. It’s basically a unanimous seal for quality guarantee in  a shopper’s eyes.  Since prime  badges are only granted to sellers with proven product quality and service performance, this would mean that improving your product listing page should also include improving “backstage operations” to create genuine quality products and services.

Glorify Deal 2023

Be proactive in customer interaction and make it visible

The degree of influence of customer reviews have  been countlessly considered as highly influential in the buying decisions of people. This is why it is also important to highlight this section of your product listing page.

Customer Question and Answer Box

The rule of thumb is to never leave a question unanswered.  You will have to be patient, courteous and diligent with this, no matter what the question is and how it is stated. It would be best to respond to questions within 24 hours and to be consistent with your response time. This will show your shoppers how active and dedicated you are with your business.

Product Rating

Product Rating

Product ratings also show the level of satisfaction from your buyers. The more ratings you receive (and the higher), the better. The number of ratings will also tell how many buyers bought your product so encourage them to rate your product upon receipt or after a few days of usage.

Product Reviews

Similar to product ratings, encourage your buyers to write about what they think of your product. You can be proactive in this section simply by saying your thank you’s, as well as, apologizing to and addressing any  negative reviews you receive

List your product in all hierarchical categories it can fall into

When you search for an item on Amazon as a shopper, you will see a list of “departments” on the left side of the search results. These are related categories that your search item potentially falls into. The thing is, the categories that shoppers see in the search results are usually “up-bottom”. This means that only subcategories below the main product category will have more chances to be looked into.

As a seller, when you develop your product listing, you will have to indicate what category your products are associated to. It would be better if you can indicate multiple categories and aim to hit all related-categories of your product for more chances of being included in the organic search results.

What Next?

After all the modifications, you can actually evaluate how effective and ready your product listing page improvements are for your eCommerce business. You can use the following methods and tools:

A/B Split Testing

You basically divert traffic to two variations of your product listing in order to compare which one converts better.

Amazon Listing Enhancement Tool

This Amazon tool checks your front-end product listing information and recommends what further improvements you can incorporate. Note, however, that this tool is only visible to sellers who, according to Amazon’s product page evaluation, need further  improvements. If this feature is unavailable to you, congratulations! you are well on your way to becoming a good product listing page maker.

Amazon Listing Quality and Suppressed Listing Report

Amazon basically hides listings whose product images do not meet their technical requirements. Again, this is how serious Amazon is with customer experience. You can check if your product listing is alright or hasn’t been suppressed by going to the inventory tab on Seller Central. Select Inventory Reports then open the  Select Report Type drop down menu. Click on Listing Quality and Suppressed Listing Report, indicate your preferred report format then click Request Report.

And that’s basically it! Remember that good product listing pages are the result of the right combinations of page content elements. Make sure you’ve ticked all the boxes in that respect. Go for simple, yet effective and you can be pretty sure that you will see an influx of traffic your way.

The path to Glory begins here

The path to Glory begins here