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Posted Nov 9, 2022
6 min read

Marketing, Social media, Facebook
How To Add A ‘Like Us On Facebook’ Option On Your Website?
Do you already have a website or a blog? Then, you need to create a “Like Us On Facebook” button or pop-up. This is one of the best ways to reach Facebook users. Your web/blog visitors are already interested in your brand (hence why they are there, in the first place). Now, you need to persuade them to like your Facebook page. This article will explain a simple yet straightforward process to create a “Like Us On Facebook” pop-up or a plug-in for your website.
How Does “Like Us On Facebook” Popup Works?
Although you can find plenty of Facebook popup plugins, most of them are not good enough. To give you an idea, as soon as a visitor lands on a website, you will find some popup plugins which will show the popup and this could annoy or frustrate most of the website visitors. They might not also be that receptive to your offers. Popups can be incredibly effective if you use them correctly.
A good option for plugins would be the OptinMonster plugin. This plugin makes sure that you get all the features and tools you need and it complements your marketing strategy and doesn’t annoy your visitors away. If you combine this tool with a good social media marketing tool, you can exponentially increase your social engagement and reach with minimal investment effort and time. In any case, remember your plugin should be displayed only after interested viewers have interacted with your site. But how can you do that? Just follow these steps to do it:
To ensure that your visitors have had a chance to go through your content first, delay your popup to appear after 15 to 30 seconds only.
It should appear only after your visitors have explored 2 or more pages on your website. So, set up your popups in such away.
Also, you can set it up in such a way that it pops up right at the moment your visitors are about to leave your website.
To get a solid metric regarding your audience’s behavior, you can use a referral detection tool to display your popup to your visitors who landed on your website through your Facebook page or because of a Facebook Ad.
Another great plugin tool, such as OptinMonster, offers a “built-in split testing” option. You can use it to see what works best for your target audience.
How To Add A “Like Us On Facebook” Button On Your Website?
If you simply want a “Like Us On Facebook” button on your website (and don’t want to use any popup plugin), follow these simple steps to do it:
Visit The Facebook Like Button Plugin
After logging into your Facebook account, to create a social plugin go to this ‘Like Button page’.
Then, get to the ‘Like-Button Configurator’ section after scrolling down a bit and here you’ll find the form.

Customize The Button
Now, you can fill up the ‘Like-Button Configurator’ form:
URL to Like field – Enter the URL of your website. To get more likes, you can also enter the URL of your Facebook page.
Layout field – From the drop-down list, choose any of the four layout styles that are made available.
If you want a standard layout, choose ‘standard layout’.

If you want the total number of likes displayed on the right side of the button, choose ‘button_count’.

If you want the total number of likes displayed above the button, choose ‘box_count’.

If you want a simple like button and share option, choose ‘button’.

Width field – According to your preference, adjust the width of the like button.
Since our goal here is to increase your Facebook likes, keep the “Action Type” to Like.
Finally, either choose a smaller button size or a larger one. The one which suits the layout of your website best.
After you’re done with all the details, click on the ‘Get Code’ button in the configurator form. Then, you’ll see a popup that will give you the code of your customized Like Us On Facebook button.
One of the easiest ways to add a Like Us On Facebook button is the IFrame method. As it’s supported by most of the website hosting service providers. We would recommend you to go for the IFrame link and then copy the button code. Nonetheless, you can use the XFBML or HTML5 codes (which will also be displayed in the same popup) if your website doesn’t support IFrame.
Embed In Your Site
On your website page, paste the code to the right and you’ll see the Like Us On Facebook button appear. We would recommend you to paste the button in the footer or header of your website because then your button will appear on all the site pages. If you wish to adjust the height or width of the button based on the layout style, you can change it in the configuration section. Viola! You’re done!
Creating A ‘Like Us On Facebook’ Popup On Your Website

Is the button too boring for your taste? Do you prefer the ‘Like Us On Facebook’ popup because it’s much more stylish? Well then, let’s see how it’s done! You have a plethora of popup plugins to choose from. As an example, we will use OptinMonster but do not hesitate to go with any other software or plugin you’d like. Although the below-given instructions are for the OptinMonster popup, this guide will give you an idea about other software too.
Create A Campaign
After logging into your OptinMonster dashboard, click on ‘Create Campaign’ and then for campaign type, choose ‘Popups’.
Either choose a pre-designed template or create a new campaign template with the ‘Canvas template’. It depends on your preferences and designing abilities.
Once you add your campaign name, select the website where you want it to load.
Finally, to start creating your campaign, click on the ‘Start Building’ button.

Edit Your Campaign
After pressing the ‘start building’ button, you’ll see a blank campaign. It’s time to edit your campaign. To add a new column block, click on the plus sign.
Drag and drop the box to your campaign preview to add a box.
Once you drop the column block in your campaign, you’ll find various Element Blocks. Choose the HTML element block because we are creating a ‘Like Us On Facebook’ popup for your website.
So, drag and drop it in your campaign.

Get The ‘Like Us On Facebook’ Code
For now, in a new tab, open the ‘Facebook Page plugin’ and leave your campaign builder open.
First, type-in your Facebook business page’s URL.
Next, enter the width and height which is best suitable for your needs. We would recommend 250 pixels in height and 500 pixels in width.
Also, select the ‘Use Small Header’ option, if you want more page content to be displayed in your ‘Like Us On Facebook’ popup.
Finally, click on the ‘Get Code’ button.
Now, a popup box with two blocks of HTML code will appear.
After copying the first block of code, go back to your previous tab. In the campaign builder tab (which was open), paste this code into the HTML element block.

Copy the second block of code after going back to the Facebook page plugin tab. Remember to pass this code under the first code.
Save your campaign. Then, go to the ‘Publish’ tab and select the live option to make sure your campaign is ‘Live’.
Once again, save the campaign!
Using ‘Like Us On Facebook’ Popup To Drive More Traffic To Your Website
What is the point of using a popup on a website? We know badly-positioned popups are irritating but if your website has good popups it can convert up to 50 percent of your website visitors into leads and subscribers. But what can be considered as a good popup? Here are some steps to make sure that your “Like Us On Facebook” popup will not hassle your site visitors:
Remember your popups should never be rushed. The best time for your popup to appear is after at least 15 seconds.
Make sure you’re providing some value with your popups. You could include an e-book, e-paper, video guide, infographic, etc. Add anything relevant and useful for your target audience. Why? Because it gives your visitors an incentive to respond to your popup.
One way to lose customers is when they have to cross-out one popup repeatedly. So, don’t show your popup to the same visitor again. Your ‘popup frequency’ can be for at least 1 or 2 days.

Some Final Thoughts
Facebook is one of the most used social media platforms so use Facebook if you want your content shared widely around the web. But first, you need to grow your Facebook audience and bring some traffic to your website. After all, you know your website visitors already like what you’re offering, so you just need to convince them to like your page. Make sure to add that Like Us On Facebook button or popup!
How To Add A ‘Like Us On Facebook’ Option On Your Website? FAQs
1. How do I add like us on Facebook to my website?
– On the Facebook developer page, visit the Like Box page.
– Copy the URL from the Facebook page you wanted to use for this button.
– Then, copy the code and paste it onto your webpage (to place you’d like the button to be).
2. How can you tell if someone has fake Likes on Facebook?
Here’s how you can identify if someone is using fake likes on Facebook:
– Consider Context.
– Check Comments.
– Examine Entities.
– Gather Growth.
– Look at Location.
– Peep Profiles.
– Search Similarities.
3. What happens if you get 1000 likes on Facebook?
With the help of Facebook Ads and post boosts, you can build likes and you can target who you want to like the page. So, Facebook’s organic reach is around <2 percent which means, if you have 1000 likes the post has reached < 20 people organically.
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