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Posted Nov 9, 2022
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Graphic design, Entertainment
Famous Logos With Hidden Meanings

Below, we have compiled a few famous company logos with secret significance to teach you how to transform an obvious straight logo into something fascinating and mysterious. Start by looking carefully, because the whole story is sometimes not revealed by the first glimpse.
Glorify brings you the top 26 most famous brand logos with hidden meanings –
01. Beats
This famous logo for Beats by Dre is relatively basic. The ‘b’ is found in a circle, with the brand name following it. However, the circle is not just a normal circle. In reality, it is the head of a person and the “b” letter type is the representation of headphones of the brand. This grants the brand a personalized feature that allows a consumer to see himself on his headphones. This kind of secret message is very relatable to the brand.

02. Cisco
Cisco, the global leader in internet networking and is named after its San Francisco head office. The blue stripes just above the famous company logo reflect an electromagnet, but also the Golden Gate Bridge of San Francisco, although their titles have no secret significance.

03. NBC
One of the most famous logos with hidden meaning is the NBC logo. When the logo was created, color televisions were just launched, and the channel wanted a brand famous logo that persuaded people from switching from black and white TVs to change color models. It started with the famous expression at the time, ‘proud as a peacock,’ which advertised their new color scheme to be proud of. The six colors of the feathers reflect the six NBC branches.

04. Amazon
Amazon is the prime hub of online shopping and is also a global leader, and its famous logo reflects this. The yellow arrow of the logo begins with ‘a’ and ends with ‘z,’ indicating they offer from a to z. That is everything you need or want, Amazon is your one-stop-shop. The arrow is likewise a smile, with an iconic dimple or grin line in the arrowhead. The smile reveals that people are pleased when they are shopping with Amazon.

05. Baskin Robbins
Baskin Robbins is widely recognized for its ice cream flavors (31, if we are completely accurate).] The prominent ‘B’ and ‘R’ of the icon are the curves of ‘B’ and the stem of ‘R.’ which denotes excitement and happiness which is very much relatable to how one would feel after and during eating their delicious ice cream.

06. Roxy
Another famous logo with hidden meaning is that of Roxy. Roxy is the women’s clothing line of Quicksilver. They take influence from the feminine shape and conceptual text from the actual meaning of their logo and add on the hearts as an emblem to attract their female audience. And it isn’t a normal heart — these are two Quicksilver icons that are brought on their ends together.

07. Vaio
Sony Vaio, also known as the Visual Intelligent Audio Organizer, is worldwide famous for its technology. The incorporation in Vaio’s product range of both analog and digital technology. In this popular, famous logo of VAIO, the letters ‘va’ appear as an analog wave and ‘io’ as numbers 1 and 0 are a digital sign or binary code.

08. Picasa
Picasa has been in the game for a long time, Google’s previous image organizer and editor. It looks like a standard camera shutter at first sight, but the negative room in the center of the shutter is in fact a home. It is because for all the pictures, Picasa is known as home, and in Spanish Casa means home.

09. Museum of London
The London Museum has a unique and natural essence. The colored forms in its famous logo, however, reflect something and are not only abstract colored blobs. They show London’s geography and how it has evolved over the years, reflecting the continuing shift in history, present, and future of London and its citizens.

10. Eighty 20
Without having a knowledge of maths, you would probably not understand the significance of the famous brand logo of Eighty 20 (a South African analytics consulting firm), unless you are genuinely an expert in this field. The squares represent the 80 and 20 as a binary pattern for 1010000 and 0010100.

11. London Symphony Orchestra
It is not only possible to read the famous logo for the London Symphony Orchestra as the initials ‘LSO’ but also as a conductor. The sophisticated style (nearly like a script) adds to the musical’s beauty.

12. My Fonts
My Fonts is a digital font platform that gives users access to many fonts. The ‘My’ in My Fonts looks like a hand, giving a feeling that users can use any fonts they want.

13. Le Tour De France
There are two hidden messages within the popular and famous logo of the Le Tour De France. The first one is slightly simpler, the letter ‘r’ is a cyclist, but the second one is more muted. The yellow circle functioning as the wheel of the bike is also a sun that indicates that the activities of the events take place only during the day.

14. AG Low
Building business, AG Low has a clear logo. The name of the organization is mentioned but in a specific manner. This specific manner is actually a floor plan setup.

15. Galeries Lafayette
Galeries Lafayette is a high-end French store. How is their logo a famous logo with hidden meaning you ask? Well, the Eiffel Tower is not only beautiful and trendy but even concealed in the letter ‘f.’ As it has its roots in France.

16. Newman
Though this popular logo does not look revolutionary at the beginning of a French clothing company, it has a visual secret. You can see the logo upside down if you look carefully. This indicates the business is creative and its clothing can be used for different purposes.

17. Greenlabs
Greenlands, web technologies, and digital marketer, uses their famous logo as a tree. This emphasizes their brand’s ‘green’ aspect, but how do they signify the laboratories? The tree’s crown is in reality a brain reflecting their employees’ intellect.

18. Bird Love
This famous brand logo is in fact really basic for a Vietnamese coffee shop. It’s black and white, a traditional serif with a clean heart mark. This represents the honesty, affection, and devotion of the company and its commitment to classical Vietnamese coffee. Two flying birds, bearing their names, are concealed in the heart.

19. Gamecube
The emblem of Gamecube’s, and with excellent purpose, is unique. It is not only a cube inside the cube, but the outer cube shapes the ‘G,’ leaving a ‘C’ in a negative space across the interior cube. That’s something for a famous logo with hidden meanings, eh?

20. LG
LG has worldwide recognition and the ‘L’ and ‘G’ logos are most known in the famous company logo. However, most people do not know that these letters help to build a face. The nose is made with the “L,” and the face is composed of the “G.” This makes the brand more welcoming and open to the people. And people can usually feel a connection with the brand. This type of logo is also a type of subliminal message.

21. BMW
The Bavarian flag, blue and white, comes in BMW emblem colors. Their famous brand logo comes from the somewhat similar Rapp Motor Works logo. It is widely assumed, because of its aviation past and an ad made in the 1920s, that the logo portrays the blades of the spinning toy.

22. Unilever
A wide range of items is manufactured by Unilever to prove that they have made a ‘U’ out of a range of symbols that reflect certain of their key things. It is a nice way to demonstrate that in several ways they have their involvement and give the audience something to work together.

23. Toblerone
For a long time now, the famous chocolate bar Toblerone features a mountain with its present emblem symbolizing Switzerland’s Matterhorn Mountain on the packaging. But what’s the meaning behind this popular brand logo? Within the mountains is a bear that symbolizes a specific sweetness in the chocolate and the reality that in the “City of the Bears” where the chocolate is manufactured!

24. Toyota
Since 1990, the new Toyota logo has been around. The three overlapping rings of the iconic car maker symbolize the merge of Toyota’s consumer hearts and goods. The backdrop is their progress in technology and the prospects ahead.

25. Audi
Audi is another automotive manufacturer with a famous logo with a hidden meaning. The four rings include the four companies involved in the development of the original Audi, Auto Union.

26. Apple
One of the world’s most distinctively respectable logos, the Apple logo is technically based on none but Adam and Eve’s tale. The apple is the same apple Eve eats which is illustrated in the Bible and it reflects the fruits of the Tree of Knowledge. Apple is a company built over knowledge and expertise.

Finishing Lines-
There is an amazing significance behind all these 26 famous brand logo logos. How many of them did you know and how many shocked you? If you know any other logos with such cool meanings do let us know in the comment section below!
The next time you see a logo, take a closer look — you never know what can be concealed in your eyes.
Famous Logos With Hidden Meanings FAQs
1. What’s the Instagram logo’s history?
The elements in the design are so detailed that today it is difficult to call a logo. Yet this was the company’s best thing until 2010.
The icon contains a rainbow streak that passes right through the center of the camera (this may be indicative of the different filters available but this is not confirmed). Besides, a lens, several buttons, a viewer, and a flash could be viewed by users.
2. What are the Microsoft logo colors?
Four colors represent an individual part shown on the Microsoft logo. Windows is the blue square. The red is the PowerPoint and the green shows Xcel. And the surface is yellow. Well, there is no proof of the option of yellow
3. Do logos have to be creative?
They reflect the message of an organization and show its style. A logo should be as innovative as possible and professional as it becomes the symbol of the brand.
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