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Glorify App integrates Pebblely: Create AI-Powered Backgrounds and Scalable Product Photo Variations
Glorify App and Pebblely: AI-powered Backgrounds and Scalable Product Photo Variations
“The whole point of taking pictures is so that you don’t have to explain things in words.” - Elliot Erwitt
Product photography is the revolutionary existence of e-commerce.

Over the past few decades we have slowly seen the use of AI technology come into play across all industries and no less evident in the world of online e-commerce and digital product photography. Artificial intelligence is shaping the way of the future by simplifying processes, enhancing existing data and images, and taking our overall online presence to the next level.
Using AI for scalable product imagery is a true game-changer and a critical element in not only engineering or others but in digital disciplines. By implementing and integrating AI algorithms, infrastructure, and data models designers and creatives can utilize and produce high-quality product images with increased speed, sizing, and significant complexity to achieve the desired results.
We at Glorify are taking one step forward with the soon-to-be collaborated design tool, Pebblely. As an existing industry leader in the digital graphic design world we at Glorify are taking it to the next level.
With the editing and customization tools and features of Pebblely ready to utilize and add to your product images, and the expertise of the design team at Glorify who together can help bring your creation to life with a high-quality professional touch, this is the e-commerce digital design team you have been waiting for and the perfect complement to build your design portfolio with.
In this blog post, we are delving deeper into the intricate world of AI in product photography, how to maximize its efficacy within your e-commerce business and website, and show you why this is the digital help and answer you have been waiting for to elevate your brand and skills.
We at Glorify are integrating Pebblely to help you generate product photo variations at scale. This will not only help to create cool AI-based backgrounds but do so with 3D photo realism to fully engage and captivate your target audience.
Overview of AI in Product Photography

It is no secret that an industry professional set up in a studio with an endless assortment of expensive photography equipment can produce and deliver a higher quality stack of images, BUT, that also means a significantly higher price point. With AI you have the advantage of still producing high-quality images but in larger quantities, at a fraction of the cost, and in less time. It only makes financial and time sense to use the advantage of artificial intelligence.
AI or artificial intelligence is essentially the simulation of human intelligence, only it is processed by machines, and even more so by computer operating systems. These features can include anything from speech detection, and natural language acquisition, to expert systems and machine vision. The world is moving forward, and evolving, and that means artificial intelligence is here to stay, so why not make the most of it for your e-commerce business and make AI work for your benefit?
3 key enhancements are quickly evident when AI is in play when it comes to graphic design and product image photography, let’s see what they are;
Improved workflow
Enhanced Image Quality
1. Automation
Mundane and routine tasks can quickly become boring and this is where creativity starts to dwindle and then so does the quality of work. AI can manage multiple tedious tasks without ever tiring or losing interest allowing designers to focus on the creative aspects of a campaign. It is similar to hiring an ultra-efficient assistant but without lunch breaks or late arrivals to work.
2. Improved workflow
What we love about using AI tools is their algorithms can analyze workflows and processes and suggest a more efficient and effective strategy to make work lighter and quicker. Optimizing settings it can help with advanced editing tasks and it does well to organize and sort stock image libraries so we don’t have to waste hours doing it.
3. Enhanced Image Quality
This is where we see the magic of AI. Simple image analysis can automatically correct features such as saturation, exposure, sharpness, or color balancing. The more advanced AI tools can elevate images by removing noise, upscaling low-resolution photos, and adding creative flares to enhance the overall result.
When it comes to the photography industry AI is certainly a game-changer and a must-have tool in your arsenal of design features. By speeding up processes your brand can focus on innovation and creativity while still getting the bulk work done in good time. It’s a win-win.
Deep Dive into Glorify App

As a leading industry graphic design tool Glorify is showing us why it is living up to all the hype. From professional graphic design artists to content creators, and even beginners who are getting their foot in the design door, Glorify is an editing platform and tool that will elevate your brand, product, and workflow to the level you envision. and what’s even more appealing is you don’t need a design background or editing skills to navigate and use the editing feature tools. A simplistic approach makes glorify the perfect graphic design platform suited to all demographics and skill levels.
If you are new to the world of graphic design and product imagery then look no further, Glorify has all the editing tools and features you could want, and more, all under one roof. Now you can create product images in a fraction of the time, at scale, and with a high-quality professional touch and finish.
Glorify has editing features and design elements that will bring your dreams and creations to life, see what just a handful of these are and how you could maximize your creations;
High-converting templates - Finding your niche can be daunting if you don’t know what you want. Thankfully, Glorify has a whole host of options to browse to make the decision process that much easier and quicker. You can opt for something that speaks to and showcases your brand and personality with ready-to-use templates, or if you are feeling inspired consider a blank template and starting from scratch for something truly unique.
Customization - Curating a look and designing a bespoke brand is the ultimate goal. Whether you want to edit fonts or text boxes or add shadows or other effects to product images, Glorify has a tool for the job.
Organize and collaborate - Long gone are the days when you have to email your design files to your creative teams, and now you have the luxury of doing it all under one roof. Once your images are done and ready simply export them to your computer and upload them to your website or online store. Share, organize, and collaborate without the fuss.
Additives - Who doesn’t love a fun integration while maintaining a professional touch? You will have access to numerous stock libraries to play around with and edit your designs as you please. Everything from icons and shapes to free images and top-tier illustrations.
Consistency for marketing - Glorify has a vast variety of design bundles to ensure your marketing campaigns and product promotions look their best on your site. If you are not 100% sure you are on the right track to ensure your marketing skills are where they should be, feel free to reach out to one of the Glorify design team who will be happy to share their design experience with you so you showcase your products in their best light.
Brand Kit - Uniqueness is essentially for standing out from the crowd, and the best way to do that is to have a harmonious look and cohesive feel, and this is easily done by using what is known as a brand kit. With a curated color pallet across your products and website you can ensure your brand is always on point, and implementing your brand kit to new projects is simple through the brand kit feature in the account you’re active in.
Mock-ups - Ultra-realistic 3D objects crafted using the ultimate 3D modelers offer the highest-quality images and bring your products to life.
And if you thought all of these features were overwhelmingly enough then buckle up because integrating AI artificial intelligence will make things that much more sought-after in the design industry.
Glorify will soon be implementing the use of AI design technology, Pebblely, and it will not only significantly improve user workflows with fewer repetitive manual tasks, but designers will have more time to focus on their creative processing, building their portfolios with high-quality product imagery, and custom designs will become more accessible to a larger audience.
To show you we mean business and that Glorify will help bring your vision to reality, hear what users customers, and international clients have to say having worked with Glorify and the positive impact it has had on their brand and business as a whole.
“Glorify continues getting more useful all the time.” - Rich Toy
“These mockups are awesome. Last night I created this mock-up for a client who sells online courses. Absolutely easy to use. Thanks to the Glorify team.” - Donny Widjaja
I have been learning how Glorify works all day today and I can say that I am impressed, I can officially say that so far it has been the best purchase I have made.” - Mario Diaz
Understanding Pebblely

As an e-commerce business utilizing innovative platforms that empower your ability and capacity to do great things is one of the best forward-thinking business decisions you will make. Pebblely is just the tool up for the challenge, any task, and is sure to elevate your e-commerce practices by enhancing your workflow and helping you to create a myriad of high-quality product images.
Pebblely AI is an intelligence-based image generator. This artificially-advanced tool uses algorithms specifically catered to e-commerce businesses to create visually brilliant product images that will catch your audience’s attention, engage with them, and take your brand to that high-quality, elevated level you envision.
It offers a user-friendly, intuitive interface with top-tier editing features, and without the hefty price tag of needing overly expensive photography equipment or extensive editing design skills. To create visually stunning and captivating product photos you need to pay attention to the fine print, the small details that could mean the difference between a good image and a great one, and Pebblely can get you there.
By using the platform and software to create your product images you are already one step in the right direction, now all you need is the know-how, and this is where we come in. With these simple-to-follow steps, we will help you get started with a bang on your product image photography adventure, let’s dive in to see how Pebblely can work for you.
1. A good photo
Ideally, you want to use a good product image to begin with. Make sure the product is the main focus of the shot, the background is a solid color preferably white, and the product is well-lit with no shadows. Always ensure the image is centered to eliminate any parts being cut off.
2. Upload
Uploading the photo to Pebblely is where the magic begins. What’s great about this platform is that once you have uploaded your product image the AI technology will automatically provide you with a clean product image and remove the background.
3. Drag and Drop
Then you simply drag the selected image into the image box on the screen and click save using the Save Asset button to ensure your work is not going anywhere.
4. Generate your image collection
Once you are happy with the way your product image looks (and you have the freedom to create hundreds of images from a single photo and which is where your biggest cost-savings occur), you can use Pebblely to generate professional-looking photos for all types of products including smartphones.
5. Customization
Making the image your own is where Pebblely is so great with editing features and tools. You can resize or crop, rotate or reposition, or even just select one of the multiple themes to create a cohesive look across the board and brand.
Once this is all done and you are satisfied with your design, Pebblely AI is ready to assist you with exporting your images in any format. You ideally want a variety of formats so you have something for all media types to reach a larger audience. Think about high-resolution images to showcase your products on your website, or social-media-platforms optimized images to upload to your profiles for easy sharing.
By implementing this easy-to-follow guide and tips Pebblely AI will be the silver lining you have been waiting for and will help distinguish your brand and products from the pack. Because who wants to be like everybody else anyways, right?
Scalable product photography has never been this efficient and AI technology is paving the way for the future of product photography.
And if you don’t believe us read what users of Pebblely have to say about working with the 4.0 star-rated software and AI features, from business owners and content creators to big brands and even beginners, the reviews speak for themselves.
“ I was surprised at the efficacy and ease of navigation the website and tools had to offer, as someone not well-versed in the design world, it was quick and easy to comprehend.”
“ The customer support was quick to answer my question and I found it to be well worth the value for money. I recommend. “
“ Functionality is top-notch. everything you could ask for, want, or need all under one roof. “
Our final thoughts.
Now that we have looked at both brands and seen how, together, they can be even greater, with a significant impact on the graphic design and product photography world, you can make a more well-informed decision moving forward on your design journey.
By making the most of the existing editing tools and features Glorify has to offer which take your photos and showcase them in their best light, and then topped those with the advanced AI-integrated photography applications of Pebblely you are sure to become the brand everyone is talking about.
Both Glorify and Pebblely offer something unique and invaluable to the world of e-commerce, but at the end of the day, the best tool for the job is the one that gets the job done with your specific goals and needs in mind.
Next time you have a campaign or presentation to design and create be sure to check out the Glorify and Pebblely collaboration to not only build up your brand but revolutionize your product photography. The world deserves to see great design, so give it to them.
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