Posted Nov 9, 2022

7 min read

Design, Graphic Design

Create beautiful marketing graphics at scale.

Design & Inspiration

8 Types Of Graphic Design and All You Need To Know About Them

Design & Inspiration

Design & Inspiration

8 Types Of Graphic Design and All You Need To Know About Them

Though they often overlap, each type of graphic design requires a specific set of skills and techniques. As the industry is constantly changing, designers must adapt by upgrading their skills or specializing in a specific type of design. You may even focus on multiple similar types that overlap each other.

If you are an aspiring designer or someone seeking design services, this article will definitely help you identify the right skills required for the job.

Take a look at the 8 different types of graphic design:

1.Visual identity design

Branding is the visual relationship between the business and its audience established through packaging, logos and graphics. The identity created by these sets of graphics determine the personality of the organization, its tone and its essence. This element of the brand identity acts as the face of the brand. It works to communicate through the use of images, colors and shapes

Visual identity design

The designers develop a set of visual guidelines that best describe the branding across various media. They help to ensure the brand’s consistency throughout future applications, as well as establish the personality and color palette the brand will be known for. Specializing in this branch of graphic design helps you create assets such as logos, typography, business cards and more.

Visual identity design 1

Possessing some degree of knowledge of all graphic design types would be useful in the creation of design elements. This, along with excellent communication, conceptual and creative skills will surely place any designer at the top of the professional field.

Visual identity design 2

2. User interface design

A UI (user interface) is what allows users to interact with an application. This branch of graphic design focuses on providing the most user-friendly experience. It branches from the interactions between a monitor,  keyboard and mouse, to the visual experience of the on-screen display.

User interface design

Designing for UI usually includes graphic elements like buttons, menus and micro-interactions. It’s the designer’s job to maintain the balance between aesthetic appeal and technical functionality.

User interface design 1

UI designers specialize in creating desktop apps, mobile apps, web apps, and games. They work closely with UX designers who determine how the app works and UI developers who write the codes that make these apps and games work.

User interface design 2

3. Marketing and advertising design

This type is probably the first thing that comes to mind when discussing graphics design. All companies depend on marketing efforts to gain traction and attract their target audience. The strategy used by marketing designers is based on consumer awareness and the decision-making process. Visual content is often more engaging, hence the graphics used should effectively promote and communicate with the audience. 

Marketing & advertising design

Marketing designers work alongside company directors and other professionals to create assets for marketing strategies. They can specialize in different types of media ranging from prints to digital.

This type of graphic design covers a broad spectrum from vehicle wraps to magazine ads, with the latter being more common in content marketing and digital advertising. 

Marketing & advertising design1

With posters, billboards and banners to design, marketing designers need a variety of soft skills including problem-solving, communication and time management. In addition to proficiency in creating several graphic layouts and presentations, designers must also be familiar with both print production and online environments.

Marketing & advertising design2

4. Publication design

Traditionally a print medium, this long-form piece of work helps communicate with an audience through public distribution. Publication design is a classic type of design involving material such as books, magazines, and catalogs, all of which are seeing a significant rise in digital publishing.

Publication design

Designers specialized in publications work alongside editors to create layouts that carefully select typography and artwork including photography, graphics and illustrations. They may be employed in-house as part of the publishing company or operate as a freelancer.

Publication design1

The tasks of a publication designer require them to have a keen eye for graphical representation and layout. This type of designer should be familiar with both printing and digital publishing.

5.  Environmental designs

This fun type combines environmental themes with graphic design. It consists of using strategic signage whilst incorporating visual cues to help people identify where they need to be.

Environmental design

Environmental design is a multi-disciplinary practice that merges architectural design with interior graphic design. It’s the collaboration between people and the way they interact with their surroundings. 

Environmental design1

Environmental design can be used to show directional signage or engage the audience in a live exhibition of interactive graphics embedded in the environment. Typically, this type of designer should have a background in architectural graphic design and must be familiar with industrial design concepts.

6. Motion graphics

Motion graphics utilize animation, videography and audio to output a multimedia asset. This new form of design has become quite popular in recent times. In addition, the integration of typography and imagery to create advertisements results in an effective form of marketing.

Motion designers, although typically found within the film industry aiding in the creation of CGI effects, are also part of exhibition creations. Technological advances have reduced production time and costs, making this type of design more accessible and affordable. 

Motion graphic design

The increase in video media (such as reels on Instagram) found across digital platforms, has resulted in the mass sharing of animated art. This opens up new areas of opportunity for everyone.

7. Packaging

This form of graphic design ties in with marketing and visual identity. The packaging of a product not only protects and prepares it for distribution, but also communicates the brand identity of the company directly to consumers. 

The colors used within the packaging design reflect the personality of the product and appeal to its audience. Concepts are created to develop mockups into print-ready files for manufacturing. Industrial design knowledge is required to be able to take it from concept to production. 

Packaging design

Designers in this field may specialize in a specific type of packaging such as labels or beverage cans. Alternatively, they could specialize in a niche within the industry such as food or children's toy packaging.  

This type of graphic designer requires the ability to conceptualize, technologically operate the design process and work within industrial design and printing. 

8.  Art and illustration

In this final type of graphic design, the designer creates compositions to communicate solutions to problems. Graphic illustrators utilize original artwork to produce numerous forms from fine art and decor to storytelling illustrations. 

Art and illustration design

Although not always seen as a branch of graphic design, its commercial use within the graphic design industry makes it impossible not to mention. It is used by designers, editors and writers to create both merchandise and promotional content. This includes t-shirt design, textiles, graphic novels and more.

Art and illustration design 1

The skills required for this type of graphic design often come from a strong background in fine art, animation or architecture. These skills are then enhanced and applied to graphic design.

How to use Glorify to create beautiful graphic designs

if you're a beginner looking to start your design journey, or a professional looking for an efficient solution, Glorify is the best tool for you.

There are a ton of design tools on the market but they are either too basic or too complex. Glorify provides the ideal balance to let anyone create high-quality designs regardless of prior skills.

It provides a host of useful and effective features that are not only super fun to use, but provide amazing results as well. Check out some of the features Glorify has to offer:

  • Thousands of pre-designed, niche based templates

  • Template bundles

  • An instant background remover tool

  • Realistic, fully customizable mockups and mockup scenes

  • Smart shapes

  • An advanced pen tool

  • Video animations

  • Brand Kits

  • A logo maker and more!

If you're ready to create some great graphic designs using Glorify, follow the simple steps given below.

Step 1: Click “Templates” on the left side of your dashboard. This opens up the template library.

Step 2: Choose a template that suits your need or one that simply catches your eye. You can either type in a keyword or select a category from the left side of your screen.

Step 3: Start customizing your template. Select the main element of the template and click the "Replace" button on the right panel to replace it with your own image.

Step 4: Use the background tool to modify the background by removing unwanted areas or adjusting the color.

Step 5: Clicking the color palette in the Elements tab will allow you to customize the color of all elements on the canvas.

Step 6: Use the Elements tab to add icons, lines, shapes, logos, effects and graphics.

Step 7: Download the final image.


The graphic design field is expanding at a rapid rate and the demand for specialized designers is growing. If you are already in this industry or looking to get started, Glorify is the ideal app for you.

Along with practice, you'd also need to brush up on your skills by watching tutorials, taking courses and observing industry giants. This will not only help you become the designer you want to be, but it will also allow you to outsource your skills to different companies.

If you're ready to begin your graphic design journey or ramp up your design skills, get started with Glorify!

8 types of graphic design: FAQs

1) What are the 8 types of graphic design?

  • Visual identity design

  • UI design

  • Marketing and advertising graphics

  • Publication design

  • Environmental design

  • Motion graphics

  • Packaging design

  • Art and Illustration

2) Is graphic designing difficult?

No, graphic design is a skill that anyone with a creative background can learn. At Glorify we provide an easy, beginner-friendly interface with tutorials for you to expand on your existing skills or pick up new ones. However, just like any other skill, graphic design takes time and perseverance.

3) Can I be a graphic designer if I can’t draw?

While artistic skills are a plus point, graphic design does not require you to have skills in drawing. Rather you need the ability to create appealing designs using assets such as images, typography and colors. 

The path to Glory begins here

The path to Glory begins here