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Posted Nov 9, 2022
7 min read
Design, Marketing Graphic design
Amazing Wattpad Cover Size & Helpful Practices Authors Need to Know
Wattpad is a social media platform for self-publishing individual writers who want reviews on point about the stories they write. Writers write their stories and give the scene by scene input to their subscribers. However, on Wattpad, just like on any other platform, getting the right size wattpad cover sizes is of great importance since the cover of your self-published novel can potentially stir a lot of interest. If you intend to publish a novel on Wattpad, you’d want to gain readers ‘ interest from the e-book display and so, here we are to help you make the most of it!
Let’s take a good look at the ideal Wattpad cover size and the best techniques for creating your cover.
Best Wattpad Cover Size and Dimensions
What is the best recommended size of a Wattpad book cover? The dimensions 512 x 800 pixels work best as Wattpad cover size. The file type of PNG or JPG is best reserved.
Wattpad Book Cover Size: Concept ideas for Wattpad eBook Cover
1. Pick a smooth backdrop
You can choose your eBook cover background by selecting several choices. However, the main rule is that a smooth visual must be given. It is possible to use a strong color, a stock picture, your own picture, or even a color scheme — but it is essential to not get too crowded by whatever you pick.
While wattpad cover size is important, so are the aesthetics and for the aesthetics to look like they belong there. A chaotic eBook context will prevent your readers from reading your title. If the font and context are interplayed too much, the transcription will lose the words and the users will start moving it more possibly.
2. Using pictures of professional quality
Please ensure you select accurate high-quality pictures, when using a stock image or your own picture. The effectiveness of your Wattpad image affects the feedback of others instantly.
3. Try to ensure Your eBook pictures portray the company
They say that you can not judge a book by its cover, but as one of their screening processes, readers pay more importance to book covers and this holds true for an ebook or a wattpad book cover too. Please ensure it represents what your book is all about when you pick an illustration as to your picture – or your stories’ overall outlook.
Maybe before they start reading you want to invoke a certain mood in your reader. Choosing colors, pictures, or color schemes specifically will help to impact how your readers feel when they see or hear about your novel. Complete immersion in color psychology will help you make choices.
You’ll also want to take into account your author’s brand. How are you able to use such design elements – even indirectly – in your eBook coverage for marketing. Since you are remembered by your readers through your advertising, you must think of this as your move.
4. Using Easy Read Fonts Use
You may want to ensure you choose an easy to read the text in regards to providing your context correctly. While it is appealing to pick a stylish font, your readers must be conscious that you can decode the book title at a look. If this is a no, switch to a new font.
Simple sans-serif typefaces are amazing for book titles.
5. Equalize Your Design
While you pay special attention to creating the best wattpad book cover, also make sure every text box is locked in on your Wattpad cover and positioned on it. Typically Glorify and other graphic design software provide a grid or lineup function to help you understand that your text is centralized.
Besides, make sure that the text is filled with plenty of “white space.” Let your pictures and words flow, and don’t try to fill your book cover tightly. If the text, pictures, or both go too far, you lose prospective readers.
6. Ask your friend to evaluate your cover
Do not be shy about asking for somebody else’s unbiased view if you are uncertain if your cover is reaching the target. This will help you find out how your design affects everyone and what improvements you can will need to incorporate before you publish. And besides, it’s not all about the Wattpad cover size; you want to have a nice design for yourself. If you keep in touch with some of your subscribers, count some of them to ask about the new cover before launching it. You should provide reviews that will probably match yourself with other writers. This gives you a fair idea if you are going the right way.
Final Thoughts-
It’s quick to make your next eBook with attention grabbing Wattpad cover. You will be able to draw more users to spread your story by adopting these best practices.
You can use different websites to help you with that if you are looking for a quick, easy, graphic design tool to build your own Wattpad cover. They have simple dashboard functionality, unlimited photos, a wide range of typefaces and effects, and much more within the application.
We hope this article was fairly insightful to clarify all your concerns about Wattpad book cover. Make sure you comment down below if you still have any.
Wattpad Cover Size FAQs
1. Is Wattpad free to read and browse?
There’s no charge to read or publish on Wattpad — and plenty is made available in the exchange. We think this is an innovative writer forum. It supports creativity and is open to new styles. The 70 million reader group is an amazing resource.
2. Is Wattpad useful for new writers?
For new writers, in specific authors, exposure and brand awareness is important. You want people to see your name and recognize who you are and what you are doing. You need them to know and connect to the excellence of your book covers. Wattpad will help you do this worldwide – free of charge.
3. Can anyone publish a novel on Wattpad?
You can’t upload a book as a single document, it must be done chapter by chapter. This means that the writers offer their works free of charge without the possibility to market on the web. Wattpad is for all with involvement in books.
4. What is the size of a wattpad book cover?
The recommended Wattpad book cover size is 512×800. You can create the most amazon and eye-catching wattpad covers with professionally curated templates from Glorify in under minutes- no design experience necessary!
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