Posted Apr 9, 2022

Glorify Team

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Create beautiful marketing graphics at scale.

Company News

Webflow VS Framer - and why I switched to Framer 🤷🏽‍♂️

Company News

Company News

Webflow VS Framer - and why I switched to Framer 🤷🏽‍♂️

At Glorify, we recently made the decision to switch our current website (generating 50K monthly traffic through SEO) from Webflow to Framer. Of course, this is a risky decision, and we have our reasons.

Since then, a lot of people have been asking me if they should either go with Webflow or Framer for their website ecosystem.

Both of them are amazing no-code web builders. But overall it comes down to if you are design-led or development-led.

  • If you are design-led with Framer - your team would be able to knock out beautiful pages super fast as everything transfers with a couple of clicks from your Figma file.

  • But Webflow is much better if your development-led for more complex features like a booking system or membership site.

I just launched a video on my personal channel to unpack this topic.

This is an unbiased opinion as I actually love Webflow, but for our use case, Framer was the better choice in the end. It may not be the same for you. So watch this video to find out what will best suite your needs.

Check it out and let me know your thoughts!

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The path to Glory begins here