Square Videos

Square Videos
Square Videos
Square Videos

Square Videos


1080 x 1080 px

Perfect for:

Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn

These Square Videos templates are designed for creating eye-catching videos perfect for social media platforms. Customize your video in Glorify by adding images, text, and animations to match your brand’s style. Easily export your finished video in MP4 or WebM format for high-quality, shareable content across various digital channels.

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Pro Control

Pro Control

Square Videos

Cloud Shoes

Cloud Shoes

Square Videos

Desertic Watch

Desertic Watch

Square Videos

Romantic Perfume

Romantic Perfume

Square Videos

Pro Control
Romantic Perfume
Cloud Shoes
Desertic Watch

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Get started with a range of other popular template formats.

Explore other template formats

Get started with a range of other popular template formats.

Explore other template formats

Get started with a range of other popular template formats.

Vertical Video (16:9)

Tech Gala

Tech Gala

Cycling Shoes

Cycling Shoes

Retro Outfits

Retro Outfits

Luxury Vintage Ring

Bluetooth Earbuds

Luxury Vintage Ring

Luxury Vintage Ring

HD Videos (16:9)

Smart Inhaler

Smart Inhaler

Skin Care Honey

Skin Care Honey

Bike Helmet

Bike Helmet

Nordic Designer Chair

Nordic Designer Chair

Muscle Spasm Oil

Muscle Spasm Oil

Square Videos

Pro Control

Pro Control

Cloud Shoes

Cloud Shoes

Desertic Watch

Desertic Watch

Romantic Perfume

Romantic Perfume

Vertical Video (16:9)

Tech Gala
Cycling Shoes
Retro Outfits

HD Videos (16:9)

Smart Inhaler
Skin Care Honey
Bike Helmet

Square Videos

Pro Control
Cloud Shoes
Desertic Watch

Vertical Video (16:9)

Tech Gala

Tech Gala

Cycling Shoes

Cycling Shoes

Retro Outfits

Retro Outfits

Luxury Vintage Ring

Bluetooth Earbuds

Luxury Vintage Ring

Luxury Vintage Ring

HD Videos (16:9)

Smart Inhaler

Smart Inhaler

Skin Care Honey

Skin Care Honey

Bike Helmet

Bike Helmet

Nordic Designer Chair

Nordic Designer Chair

Muscle Spasm Oil

Muscle Spasm Oil

Square Videos

Pro Control

Pro Control

Cloud Shoes

Cloud Shoes

Desertic Watch

Desertic Watch

Romantic Perfume

Romantic Perfume

Explore other template formats

Get started with a range of other popular template formats.

Explore other template formats

Get started with a range of other popular template formats.

Explore other template formats

Get started with a range of other popular template formats.